JN Music Group entrega más de 100 mil mascarillas contra el Covid-19
Publicado en 07/27/2020
JN Music Group
English BelowMiami FL, 27 de julio de 2020.- (@MinayaPR) JN Music Group, empresa fundada y dirigida por los hermanos Juan Hidalgo y Nelson Estévez, firme con su compromiso social y solidario con la comunidad, ha entregado más de 100 mil mascarillas contra el Covid-19 a diferentes organizaciones de la ciudad de Miami. “Para nosotros es muy importante poder colaborar para contrarrestar este virus y promover el uso de mascarillas tanto en el sector de salud como también en el ambiente educativo” expresó Nelson Estévez vicepresidente de JN Music Group. La entrega de dichos suplementos se ha hecho paulatinamente a diferentes instituciones dentro de las que se incluye el sistema educativo público del condado de Miami Dade (MDCPS) que se le entregaron 25,000, además del Miami Dade College que también recibió 25,000 la Ciudad del Doral, el Miami Rescue Mission, La Iglesia de San Vicente y más reciente el sistema de salud de Jackson Health System de la Florida que recibieron la misma cantidad. Durante más de 35 años, JN Music Group ha producido música latina en todo el mundo. Desde bachata, merengue, salsa y reggaetón hasta jazz latino y música urbana, cuenta con el catálogo de música latina más extenso en sus géneros.Entre sus empresas están J&N Records, J&N Music & MP, J&N Publishing, Nota Publishing, Yunque 93 FM y Juan & Nelson Entertainment. |
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JN Music Group has distributed more than 100K face masks to prevent COVID-19 |
Miami FL, July 27, 2020.- (@MinayaPR) JN Music Group has distributed more than 100,000 face masks to different organizations in the city of Miami to support the fight against COVID-19. JN Music Group is a company founded and directed by brothers Juan Hidalgoand Nelson Estévez. This is a testament of its commitment to social justice and solidarity with the community. “For us it is vital to support efforts against this virus. Promoting the use of masks both in the health sector and in the educational environment is our priority,” said Nelson Estévez VP of JN Music Group. The distribution of face masks was made gradually to different institutions, starting with the Miami Dade County Public Education System (MDCPS) and Miami Dade College (MDC), each received 25,000. Other government and or non/profit entities that also received 25,000 face masks were The City of Doral, the Miami Rescue Mission, St. Vincent Catholic Church and more recently the Florida Jackson Health System. For more than 35 years, JN Music Group has produced Latin music worldwide. From bachata, merengue, salsa and reggaeton to Latin jazz and urban music. It has the most extensive catalog of Latin music in its genres. Among its companies are J&N Records, J&N Music & MP, J&N Publishing, Nota Publishing, Yunque 93 FM and Juan & Nelson Entertainment. |
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